Wednesday 18 July 2012

Bumps: Day 1 (and a bit of guerrilla gardening!)

Yesterday was the first day of the Town Bumps races. There was some question as to whether they would go ahead with all the flooding we've had, but in the end water levels dropped to a reasonable level and everything went ahead as planned.

But before this, James and a few rower friends took it upon themselves to make the fallen willow tree passable for rowing boats. The Cam Conservators had, unsurprisingly, done nothing to remove it and it was not safe to row past. They used the Duck as a work platform and removed a lot of obstructing branches. The main trunk remains untouched, so the Cam Con still need to sort that out, but it is much better than it was. The story was in the Cambridge News and also BBC Look East on the TV! Until 18:30 tonight (18th July) you can watch it on iPlayer:

Photo William Connolley
Anyway the results for the club on Day 1 were

M1: Row Over
M2: Got Bumped
M3: Got Bumped

W1: Bumped up!
W2: Got Bumped

See the Club Blog for more.

I wasn't planning to row this year, but got roped into subbing for a friend in another club's boat. My 99s W3 got bumped too, and now have to row as Sandwich boat, which means rowing twice. Boo.

Here's great picture of James coxing up to the start:

And here are our crews. James's M1 is actually racing, we are just rowing to the start.

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  1. Saw Lucky Duck on BBC Look East. Well done.

  2. We spotted you on Look East as well!
    Pip & Roger

  3. That is an excellent picture of James coxing.

  4. As yet I've had no dealings with the Cam Conservators, but I already have a very poor impression of them! Well done to all involved with the guerilla gardening.

  5. The tree should have gone by now. See

    I hope we haven't missed seeing you. We Should reach Ely tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon after tackling Burwell Lode.
