Wednesday, 30 March 2011

The Best-Laid Plans

OK, so I thought I would try and add a narrowboat-related post in here to counter the shoes, frocks and (very tasty!) cake related posts that Amy has been making.

Life as usual is revolving around rowing. We're both down to London again on the weekend, as my senior mens' crew is competing in the Vesta Veterans' Head race on Sunday morning. Over the same course as the Boat Race (of which we shall not speak...) and the Womens' Eights Head which we competed in the weekend before last, it's a good challenge and hopefully all the training will come together on the day for a good performance.

There are also far more sedate narrowboating plans in the offing. This evening, we're heading once more up the Backs; the clocks changing has given us enough daylight to make the trip after work, although if we temporarily pause at a pub we might be back in the dark... Photos will, I'm sure, follow this evening!

We're also thinking about planning our next Summer Cruise - more details soon, when we've decided whether to go to London, The North or the K&A...


  1. Come to the North. You will love it.

  2. We'd love to, but it's whether we would have time to do a ring or not. Not sure how long we'll get, might be able to wangle more time off this year!

  3. Best of luck to your teams--I'll be rowing along in spirit.
