James helps the Moomins moor up
Soon we spotted Melaleuca, complete with the whole family on board, and they breasted up to us. We had not met Simon and Ann's daughers Alice and Jess before so it was great to finally get a chance to speak to them (and they are both lovely). I had looked up where we should go for drinks in the evening, and bearing in mind that Jim and Sarah are connoisseurs of real ale, chose the Price Albert, recomended by CAMRA as being a 'jolly good pub' for real ale. According to Jim's guide, it didn't do food, so we headed to the Cutter for dinner, where we met Alex, a Canadian liveaboard boater in Ely who crewed for Jim on Warrior last year and a very nice chap indeed. We took a somewhat circuitous route to the Price Albert, but once there, found it to be a quiet, friendly place that DID do food after all. Ah well. A Good Time was Had By All, and Jim, Sarah, Alex, James and I stayed til gone closing time.
Apologies if this is a carbon copy of Sarah's account, but we did do the same things all evening! I am also somewhat worse for wear after yesterday's excesses, so not up to much!
Today the Duck and the Moomins have headed back into Cambridge, to be followed later by Warrior. I have to be at work, alas!
I like your blog. I think its so interesting the way you are living your life. It seems full of adventure. Keep up the good work!