I arrived in Cambridge from London on Friday evening, met James and Jess (CrazyCollie) on Midsummer Common. Kestrel was towing Bacchus out to Clayhithe, again to avoid the fair, although they'll both be moored outside the city for slightly longer this time. I missed most of the journey, deciding instead to stay in the warm and do the washing up! (I know my place...!) I did stick my head out when we stopped on the way at the Plough to pick up Fi, who was joining us for the evening. When it started bucketing down, past Baits Bite, however, I was even more glad to be inside cooking with my James. However, this meant that we didn't notice the rain until Emma hooted the horn, initialising a frantic scramble to close the hatches and get a coat and hat for her. Once moored up, we ate dinner in Tanja's Bacchus, which fitted the 7 of us (and one cat)admirably. In the morning, after tea on the stern of Bacchus, we got a lift back in Cambridge with Fi and her husband, as James had to be at the boathouse for the last day of bumps.
This time, I (or rather James) managed to get some actual photos:
Kestrel's cosy (warm) galley

Towing up the Reach

Approaching the section of the river where navigation is on the left, rather than the right, as is the case in the rest of the country. Slightly confusing for visiting boaters!
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