Thursday, 19 June 2008

The BCN in Waterways World

This month's Waterways World has, in a feat of immaculate timing, produced a whole detailed section about the BCN (Birmingham Canal Navigations), including pictures of Engine Arm, where the Duck currently lives, Spon Lane locks, under the M5 where James so expertly winded the boat when we went to visit, and Caggy's Boatyard!

I've included some pictures, and will hopefully replace them with better quality ones when I can!


  1. A tip... Ralph at Caggy's will be eager to sell you bitumastic to blck the boat.

    Different blacking combi's don't mix, check what's on it first unless you're grit blasting and use the same stuff, Ralph can usually get what you need at decent rates.

    Compliment Marg on her garden to ensure good books!

  2. Thanks for the advice, anon!
