Saturday 27 October 2012

Camboaters AGM

Thursday night was the Camboaters AGM and Social. It was a good evening, well attended and friendly. James and I are both still on the Committee, with me as Secretary and James taking on the role of Chairman. 

As well as the business of deciding this year's committee members, it was also really nice to catch up with boaters, some of whom we'd not seen for a while. We also held a pumpkin competition, and there were some splendid entries.

Mine was the one with the ducks (surprise!) and we all decided that Charlotte's beautifully decorated grinning pumpkin was the winner! Her prize was a pumpkin and apple cake I had made using the pumpkin flesh carved out of mine (roasted and pureed to replace the canned pumpkin in the recipe). We decided to share out the cake there and than, and everyone seemed to enjoy it!

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