Wednesday, 9 November 2011

My Favourite Finds v17

Many years ago, I had a beautiful russet-coloured Guernsey jumper, which belonged to my grandma. But it was the 90s, and I was wearning whatever teenagers deemed to be in fashion then, which certainly didn't involve traditional knitwear! I think it was given to a charity shop eventually because when I wanted to find it a couple of years ago, I couldn't. For his Christmas present, the first year I was with James, I gave him proper Guernsey whoch I bought on ebay, and have long hankered after one of my own. But they are expensive new, and so I didn't bother. 

Until I found this one, in the childrens sections of a little antiques shop on Gwydir Street in Cambridge for £15. I couldn't resist it! I love the colour, the fit, and everything about it! Originally worn by fishermen, did you know that the different types of knitting have (supposedly) got symbolic meaning: the rib at the top of the sleeve represents a sailing ship’s rope ladder, the raised shoulder seam a rope and the garter stitch panel, waves breaking on the shore.


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  1. I had no idea knit wear could be so poetic.

  2. Even more so, if somewhat morbidly, there is a legend that each family incorporated a slightly different pattern to aid the identification of drowned fishermen.

  3. Quite correct in most of our fishing harbours.
